Monday, May 25, 2009

Nile & pyramids....

All was great !!

The big reunion with all our fellows and friends from the states and the Arab world.
The conference was organized by Amideast, at Intercontinental city star hotel(rocks!!) -new egypt in cairo.

It was all amazing there; meeting the American Ambassador (H.E) for Egypt, all the professors, previous mepi students, seeing some great places especially the pyramids and khan al khalele,,,,and the most exciting part was taking the flouka as Egyption call it (boat) at midnight in the Nile singing and having good accompany....
Now, I believe every word was said about the Nile magic; and how it spreads Love and calm to people walking on its Korneesh or just waving to its beauty !!

Unfortunately, the time was very limited to hang out and see the place, since the conference was starting at 10:00am till 6.00 pm .
thus we didn't see much of the pyramids just from outside, we headed there at 6.00am and had to came back to the hotel at 10am before they start :(

I had a very funny story riding habiba horse at the pyramids area, let me tell u what happened; I was on the black horse -which was named habeba as the've told me- just like some others of my friends, we were riding it for the first time and not used to do it.
suddenly, the horse started running very fast and i wasnt holding the cord well; then I started screaming MAMA...HElP I couldnt stop him and I was about to fall, untill agood egyption old man stopped the horse and calmed him down,,,after that they warned me that this horse in particular loves running ...lucky me,,,,u should have seen me riding the horse very fast and screaming ...haha

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reunioning in Om el Donya Egypt

It was awesome. mepi student leader alumuni conference in Cairo.
Five days but an age, every minute was to be considered in the day's schedual.

some photos before stories !!
Enjoy :)

Palestinain & Jordinian mepis waiting at cairo airport ...

Gehad and I sitting at the lobby of Intercontinental city star Hotel.....

3nd el besseem....

The Sphenix (abu el hool).. !!On the way to Gizza ...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Time Passes Really Fast- MEPI'S at Cairo !! :)

Yesterday; I was saying I'll miss you all, my brothers and sisters, my friends whom I met at the United States, which amazed us all with no exceptions.
And Today; here we are MEETING NEXT WEEK !!!!YEAH.

There was a quete "Time flies when you are having fun" ,and that was so true.
What about time when you are waiting some!!someone, someday, something, an event, anniversary, relatives back from along trip. Let me say what about time when you think of it as a chance to refresh your ever lasting wonderfull memories!

Today, I am counting minutes, even more seconds till I meet my friends at Cairo.
We're reunioning in the MEPI leadership conference on the 25th-29th of March(this month).

Arrangments to travel takes time, but more and more when it is for Palestinians.Everything here is like nothing in the rest of the world unluckily.
To get our Visas, We need to travel to Amman two days(in case) before the conference,
then to the Egyption Embassy there to get the visas on our passport; so we can fly and join the others.

I was just wondering how complex and simple life is!!! Paradox, I think this is the word required.
I left a whole new family at the states, established in less than 7 weeks, we got to know each others, discover about our countries even our Arab world, how big, how far , how similar, we became really close to each other is a very short time; this doesn't happen always. We left each others with tears and wishings to meet again , but not for sure...stayed in contact, pushed for hope for each one, wished happy days and birthdays for everyone on Facebook,,,,and still teasing each others..funny things.
we didn't forgot the place nor the people who make this happen..
But we always asked is it the last time we meet? It seems not thanks Allah, eventhough after the coming conference we need to reask the same question, but no need t wait for an answer...This is tha paradox...
Maybe I am not able to explain what Iam feeling at the moment, but...why can't we meet people we miss whenever we want, we are still alive not dead, there must be a chance ,one more time....
How can I leave you my Egyption friend again after you becoming my third sister, ...and, goes on.

Can't wait to be at Cairo with MEPI's and Prof.Magee again!!!:)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Things to follow...

I discovered how far my home is!!!I don't mean by home the physical home that my family and I live in, but my homeland Palestine.

Everything was schedueled for my return ,vans to the airport, tickets of the flights, the great accompany...I experienced SSSS at the airports of the states, not just me and my Palestinian collegues , syrians have to go through that too .We were thinking;what does SSSS stands for that we -particularly-got it on our tickets, then we figured out :Super Security Scan Search.We needed an "extra clearance" to be allowed to depart the land we spent a wonderful times at.

It was a reminder for me of the procedures I went through when I started this trip, from its beginning ...from checkpoints in Palestine.

Well, after searching and scanning our stuff and bodies, we were allowed to pass -now like the others.
I arrived Jordan the next day, Thursday August,14th at 5:00pm , stayed with my relatives in Amman. On Friday I had to wait 6 hours on the Jordanian bridge with my Palestinian colleagues, but at the end they closed it and threw us back Amman to hotels or relatives, bad luck for all of us .. they said it will also be like that on Sat. because it is the holiday for jews.So I stayed bored -away from my family- in Amman until I crossed the bridges(Jordinian,Israeeli and Palestinian) on Sunday from 5:30 am till 5:00 pm evening. At last home, it was really far and hard to be home again, after showing documents, passports, IDs , or after searching EVERYTHING you have with you, and going through the usual metal detectors.

It took me less than 17 hours to travel HALF the world, -US to Jordan- but more than 3 days to cross a Jordinian Bridge,,, what Irony is this!!


Schools have started a month ago, started with some strikes from Professors , then to be followed by students'.Despite all the trials to get along with situations we live thesesdays, people at Nablus and An Najah couldn't manage the inflation catastraphe, especially that Ramadan was knocking on doors at the 1st of september. Professors were asking for raising their salaries, students were protesting raising their tuitions!!!Everyone sings his song...
at the end they agreed on some solutions with the university, and everything went on as it used to go.

Time has passed very quickly.It is the end of Ramadan now, today or tomorrow might be the last day of the holy month. Schools and institutions took their holiday, starting from tomorow(which may be the 1st day of Eid Al Fiter, if not the 30th of Ramadan) until Saturday next week.
May Allah bless you all...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Last Days In The States

Everything in this life has to come to an end, happy or sad one, but still the End.I don't know how we spend most of our days doing things, maybe crazy things and then ;after they are finished, you don't believe we made it,...just like a dream...or happy dreams,wake up in the next morning as if you haven't lived a while sleeping adventure....

I'd say :It was JUST like alife dream I lived in the United States. How can I expect to spread my emotions to all people who weren't living those days with me in one of the busiest cities in the world....New york- New york.

Driving from my Dear Delaware to the Big Apple , 5 hours by vans ,,,transforming from the calm quite Newark to the organized mess in Manhaten, seeing those skyscrapers catching up with the sky, walking in those streets looking up higher then getting a neck pain after long time of wondering!!

Visiting the UN Buildings, Unicief ,or the sharming Statue of liberity from the ferry, how fascinating!!

What about the Empire State building, when you see all streets, lights and rivers of New york and neighborhoodsat night.

spending midnights at Times Square watching Indiana Jones Film in Cinemas and the Lion king great play...

Watching all the busy people running out of time, rushing on the streets, talking by cells, using laptops, reading in cars, even don't stopping on the red traffic light since there is no time.

I was wondering when these people go to sleep?! Even though I became at that time one of them((You are in New York...No Sleeping!! spend as much as you can there...good advice)

It was all fantastic-but there a very special experience in the States.

After New York we got back to Delaware to spend the last night there, had our Farewell dinner with our professors and staff there, took our mepi's certificate, and got hours of tears...saaadly, we will leave our new home, which we lived in for 6 weeks, but had more and more memories.

The next day 11th August, it was the day to go back to Washington DC, since it's the right place to meet all the mepi's groups from the 6 Universities(Montana, benidectin, Georgetown, Roger Williams,Wayne state Uni and Delaware).

We -mepi at UD, had a wonderful chance to be invited to join an American show viewpoint with James Zogbe-Arab American Institute.He interviewed us at that program and will be broadcate on Aug.21st, Abu Dhabi TV..Don't miss our show!!

In our last night in The capital city, each University had to present (PPP)what they did in mepi, all activities, classes,community services, study trips, fun and sun....5 minutes-more or less-to the department of states at the final farewell in China Town, DC .

We did our last arabic party that day in the English speaking City, we sang palestinian, lebanees, syrian, egyption,even Gulf songs and morrocan ones,which almost most of us don't understand !!
The GOODBYES day, ,,,,how sad we were!

cheeks were full of tears, all of us,students, staff, and some Prof.

It was the time to say I love you all guys whom I lived with 7 weeks, shared adventures and risks,happines and anger, I learned from each one of you,...every one is a story,...every one is so special,....commite to make a difference, ..tell people and let them know,..spread all truth.

Till our reunion in February,.....will miss you all.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Discovering the states

I just graped some time to write on this blog, I'd really love to write every thing I experience these days in my last week in the states, since it may be the first and the last at the same time,...I need to write to remember the greatest life I've ever had, the tremendous freedom I am up to, all that unbelievable things we are doing here and all that time we are having fun and stealing the hours from the nights to stay all together, even talking about nothing sometimes, but still MEPIs together.

Since the first day I came to the States, every day is being different than the previous one.Having this wonderful amazing experience will change -if it is not already -my view of the world, now I will see the same world but with my new eyes.

giving me the chance to explore the life with myself by myself in a place I was Little bit afraid to come to, will affect my whole life in the future.
I can say now that stars are the light of the night, after having me laying on the green grass of Delaware University.
It's my right to enjoy the very scary moments in the 6 flags amusement park in New Jersey, when my heart stop pumping and my mouth doesn't help, at some points!!!
Or biking with all the MEPIs and our academic director Professor Magee near the shore& coast of the eastern part of the states, Peaks Lake-Portland- Maine-New England.
Now I can tell you what the freedom is all about, you have 50 choices to choose if you are not satisfied, just find a place grape your stuff and pack your luggage....that's what all about, another better life -mostly.
What about your right to talk freely without any restrictions, that's is what we call it the freedom of speech back home.
You can work, study even hard, play hard, enjoy your time and have fun....and you are still the same person.
I learned many things about Americans I'd like to share with others, maybe it is a good chance for opening dialogues with these friendly people who we don't know about them, and visa Vera of course.
We just know America by its power and control of things in the world, we can't even distinguish between the Americans and their government.This confusion -in my opinion- is the locked key for our cultures which should be crossed.
I've been living here for 5 weeks, which is obviously not a long time to know every thing about such a huge geographical and tremendous cultural country like the states, but I'd say it is enough period to discover and know , look in the eye at these people, how friendly they are!!
Besides being your road friends, eager to learn, and book eaters, everywhere in the airports, airplanes, trains, buses, in the vans, between classes even when they are walking, or if you don't have time to read you just play your auto book on your ipod!!of course this won't apply for everyone in the states, but it happened to me to see this every day with staff members I usually spend time with,... they are also as hospital as people we used to know in our Arab world.
Well, yesterday we had a great time biking in the peaks island in Portland ME, we got into the ferry...unbelievable, and then had some discussion after a presentation with seeds of peace organization here in Maine.
Today we checked out the Holiday Inn at 7:30 am driving by vans to the state of Massachusetts( 4 hours drive), and now in Plainfield, which is a very small town in here , 600 people is living in this nice place, with the weird weather.we just experienced the heavy rain ,and after half an hour it was very sunny, then again a light rain...but now it is clear!!
We spent all the day with the town people, had lunch boxes with them,...some Arabic food ,Falafel and hummus.we've been introduced to the history of this town and its policies to run their own place, had discussion with the committee of the town and their volunteers , who put fires off, or who works on the ambulances, then we had a good tome with the minister of the church here and got a good crossing cultural debates, and absolutely talked about Religions.
Then we had a big dinner and a fabulous dessert with these people and our host families for tonight, and finally we end up our full day with a Q/A from the town people to us the Middle East and North African students, which was really a unique conversations cleaned some wrong ideas about both sides, who wouldn't have the chance to hear that if there wasn't such an exchanging opportunity.
As for tomorrow, we will be having our breakfast with our generous host families, then leaving them to do some voluntary work in a trail and having some discussions with some kids like us, have lunch and then to the BIG APPLE, NEW YORK CITY........YES!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our Trip To Colorado,...Rocky!!

we took a small educating trip to the State of Colorado, flying from Philadelphia airport to Denver. We visited Colorado museum and and a book store there, slept in Denver's University dorms for one night.
The next day we were lucky to visit United States Air Force Academy USAFA, and there we visited the Christians and Jews chapels, and a small place for Muslim prayers,also a chapel for Buddhism is available there.
These are designed according to the number of the people who believes in each religion in the USAFA.

After that we headed to Boulder, checked in Courtyard Marriott hotel to stay in for the rest 4 days . Then we had a tour in the University of Denver with one of its active students.

Few hours later, we went downtown and saw many people are playing guitar or piano, others doing random shows in the streets, playing with fire.

Colorado International Park is another story to tell, hiking the ROCKY MOUNTAINS there, seeing the waterfalls and the magical lakes, the beauty of nature it self is enough for anyone to forget the whole world.
I couldn't help myself from getting into water and playing like a small child...
yesterday we checked in the hotel , did some shopping in the last day of boulder, then to the airport to wait more than 4 hours to the flight which was delayed until 6:25 pm.

we reached Philadelphia at 12:30am and Delaware at 2:30 am .
I am finally at home sweet home,...Delaware sweet Delaware!!
Here are some photos,...
The Rocky Mountains,....