Friday, September 26, 2008

Things to follow...

I discovered how far my home is!!!I don't mean by home the physical home that my family and I live in, but my homeland Palestine.

Everything was schedueled for my return ,vans to the airport, tickets of the flights, the great accompany...I experienced SSSS at the airports of the states, not just me and my Palestinian collegues , syrians have to go through that too .We were thinking;what does SSSS stands for that we -particularly-got it on our tickets, then we figured out :Super Security Scan Search.We needed an "extra clearance" to be allowed to depart the land we spent a wonderful times at.

It was a reminder for me of the procedures I went through when I started this trip, from its beginning ...from checkpoints in Palestine.

Well, after searching and scanning our stuff and bodies, we were allowed to pass -now like the others.
I arrived Jordan the next day, Thursday August,14th at 5:00pm , stayed with my relatives in Amman. On Friday I had to wait 6 hours on the Jordanian bridge with my Palestinian colleagues, but at the end they closed it and threw us back Amman to hotels or relatives, bad luck for all of us .. they said it will also be like that on Sat. because it is the holiday for jews.So I stayed bored -away from my family- in Amman until I crossed the bridges(Jordinian,Israeeli and Palestinian) on Sunday from 5:30 am till 5:00 pm evening. At last home, it was really far and hard to be home again, after showing documents, passports, IDs , or after searching EVERYTHING you have with you, and going through the usual metal detectors.

It took me less than 17 hours to travel HALF the world, -US to Jordan- but more than 3 days to cross a Jordinian Bridge,,, what Irony is this!!


Schools have started a month ago, started with some strikes from Professors , then to be followed by students'.Despite all the trials to get along with situations we live thesesdays, people at Nablus and An Najah couldn't manage the inflation catastraphe, especially that Ramadan was knocking on doors at the 1st of september. Professors were asking for raising their salaries, students were protesting raising their tuitions!!!Everyone sings his song...
at the end they agreed on some solutions with the university, and everything went on as it used to go.

Time has passed very quickly.It is the end of Ramadan now, today or tomorrow might be the last day of the holy month. Schools and institutions took their holiday, starting from tomorow(which may be the 1st day of Eid Al Fiter, if not the 30th of Ramadan) until Saturday next week.
May Allah bless you all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It took me less than 17 hours to travel HALF the world, -US to Jordan- but more than 3 days to cross a Jordinian Bridge,,, what Irony is this!!

مدونة طويلة جداً
الله يعطيكي العافية
شكلها الرحلة شاقة جداً
انا كنت اخرج من نابلس على الساعة السادسة والنصف ونصلي العصر في عمان

انا لم اقراً المدونة كاملة
لكن سأحاول ان اقرأها

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