Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Last Days In The States

Everything in this life has to come to an end, happy or sad one, but still the End.I don't know how we spend most of our days doing things, maybe crazy things and then ;after they are finished, you don't believe we made it,...just like a dream...or happy dreams,wake up in the next morning as if you haven't lived a while sleeping adventure....

I'd say :It was JUST like alife dream I lived in the United States. How can I expect to spread my emotions to all people who weren't living those days with me in one of the busiest cities in the world....New york- New york.

Driving from my Dear Delaware to the Big Apple , 5 hours by vans ,,,transforming from the calm quite Newark to the organized mess in Manhaten, seeing those skyscrapers catching up with the sky, walking in those streets looking up higher then getting a neck pain after long time of wondering!!

Visiting the UN Buildings, Unicief ,or the sharming Statue of liberity from the ferry, how fascinating!!

What about the Empire State building, when you see all streets, lights and rivers of New york and neighborhoodsat night.

spending midnights at Times Square watching Indiana Jones Film in Cinemas and the Lion king great play...

Watching all the busy people running out of time, rushing on the streets, talking by cells, using laptops, reading in cars, even don't stopping on the red traffic light since there is no time.

I was wondering when these people go to sleep?! Even though I became at that time one of them((You are in New York...No Sleeping!! spend as much as you can there...good advice)

It was all fantastic-but there a very special experience in the States.

After New York we got back to Delaware to spend the last night there, had our Farewell dinner with our professors and staff there, took our mepi's certificate, and got hours of tears...saaadly, we will leave our new home, which we lived in for 6 weeks, but had more and more memories.

The next day 11th August, it was the day to go back to Washington DC, since it's the right place to meet all the mepi's groups from the 6 Universities(Montana, benidectin, Georgetown, Roger Williams,Wayne state Uni and Delaware).

We -mepi at UD, had a wonderful chance to be invited to join an American show viewpoint with James Zogbe-Arab American Institute.He interviewed us at that program and will be broadcate on Aug.21st, Abu Dhabi TV..Don't miss our show!!

In our last night in The capital city, each University had to present (PPP)what they did in mepi, all activities, classes,community services, study trips, fun and sun....5 minutes-more or less-to the department of states at the final farewell in China Town, DC .

We did our last arabic party that day in the English speaking City, we sang palestinian, lebanees, syrian, egyption,even Gulf songs and morrocan ones,which almost most of us don't understand !!
The GOODBYES day, ,,,,how sad we were!

cheeks were full of tears, all of us,students, staff, and some Prof.

It was the time to say I love you all guys whom I lived with 7 weeks, shared adventures and risks,happines and anger, I learned from each one of you,...every one is a story,...every one is so special,....commite to make a difference, ..tell people and let them know,..spread all truth.

Till our reunion in February,.....will miss you all.


Tom Herron said...

Thuraya Aghbar,

Justin sent me a link to your blog. He is very proud of you for coming to the US. I'm sure that it was very difficult. I'm glad that you enjoyed it here and encourage you share your experiences here at home. I hope you can come back again.

Tom Herron

Thuraya Aghbar said...

Thanks a lot Tom for sharing me my experience by reading my humble blog, I hope to come to the States again oneday, but for longer time,...maybe to get my master or PH-D degree who knows!!!
By The Way, Prof. Justin was one of my encourages factors to take the adventure...

Best wishes