Saturday, June 28, 2008

Holy Day in Jerusalem.....After 10 years !!!

At last, I made it(YES!!!)

I went to Jerusalem yesterday, Made an interview in the US consulate after passing through 11 or 12 revolving irony doors of the Israelis', showing permits and ID(s), leaving stuffs, bags, phones, cameras and waiting on long queues.

We went to the interview, they also did more than double check to all of us (me and collegues-Shafeek,Rawan and Osama) then we were called by speakers to sign on the visa papers , then called again to take our hand prints, then again for the interview.

After that the guy who interviewed us said ..."you are qualified for the visa",

then I asked :when can we take it?

he replied "as soon as possible", it seems ASAP means on Monday !! so the flight will be on Wednesday June 2nd Inshallah.

Then we headed to the old city and to Al Aqsa mosque, the Dom of the rock , prayed there and took great photos.

It's one of the unforgettable days in my entire life....


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

passing through 11 or 12 revolving irony doors of the Israelis', showing permits and ID(s), leaving stuffs, bags, phones, cameras and waiting on long queues.

طريق سهلة الى القدس
احنا تحملنا المشاق وقطعناالمسافات وكلها جبال وفي البرد وقفزنا عن الجدار وكنا مراقبين من الجيش ولكن الله سلم
وكنا صايمين وافطرنا على ورق الشجر

اياً كانت الطريق المهم اننا وصلنا

It's one of the dangerous days in my entire life....

رحلة مميزة
لا تنسى حقاً